Top Urban Planning Voice


Top Urban Planning Voice 🥇
Today I earned a cool badge from LinkedIn.

I have been documenting my career every week, by posting a picture of something I do and writing a short reflection about it.

I believe we all have some interesting to tell a story about. We work a minimum of 40 hours/week. There should be something to tell from these hours. Also, count the activities that we do out of the office.

Why do I do this?
It’s because I get inspired when I read others’ articles. So I write, it’s a kind of giving back to the community.

The most important thing for me is to reflect on what I am doing in my work life 😅 is it just an 8 to 5 work? Or there is something deeper that I am doing.

I keep posting because I also get so much feedback like:
Many students write their thesis about things I post about, Many people find their passion and start working with it, many people get into cool projects, many people meet other cool people, etc..

So I encourage you to inspire people around you. It’s your turn to take a picture of something you do and write a short reflection. Believe me, many people (more than what you think 😉) are interested in your post.

Let’s inspire each other

Published by Mustafa Sherif

Child Friendly Urban Planner at AFRY | TEDxStockholm | Public Speaker | Urbanistica Podcast Host | H22 City EXPO Ambassador | Placemaking Europe Leader

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