Mustafa Sherif named Top 10 Talent in Engineering NOVA 111 list 2024


Mustafa Sherif has been named among the top 10 talents in Engineering & Production in Sweden by the prestigious Nova 111 List for 2024. This recognition highlights Mustafa’s exceptional contributions to sustainable engineering, urban planning, and design.

Mustafa Sherif’s inclusion in the 2024 Nova 111 List underscores his significant contributions to sustainable urban planning. With a Master’s degree in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Politecnico di Milano, Mustafa exemplifies the qualities celebrated by the Nova List. At 30, HE committed to incorporating diverse perspectives, particularly from children and community members, into the urban planning process. His work ensures that future cities are inclusive and responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.

Mustafa’s recognition by Nova is complemented by several prestigious awards, including the Change Maker Award from the Swedish Association of Architects. He has also been named among Sweden’s Top 100 Impactful People within Architecture. These honors reflect his innovative approach and commitment to social impact in engineering and design.

About the Nova 111 List

The Nova 111 List is an esteemed annual recognition celebrating the most promising professionals under 35 across 11 key sectors of the Swedish economy. This honor aims to accelerate their development and unlock their full potential, driving positive impact and progress in their respective fields.

The selection process for the Nova 111 List is both scientific and transparent, involving a comprehensive assessment of over 200 data points per candidate. An independent jury of recognized experts, HR directors, and industry leaders evaluates these data points rigorously, ensuring a meritocratic selection of the top 10 professionals in each sector.

For more information about the winners and Nova, visit Nova Talent:

Published by Mustafa Sherif

Child Friendly Urban Planner at AFRY | TEDxStockholm | Public Speaker | Urbanistica Podcast Host | H22 City EXPO Ambassador | Placemaking Europe Leader

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